Thursday, August 6, 2009


It's official. Summertime is almost over. Next Tuesday I head back to work. I can't quite wrap my head around that idea yet. We've had a blast this summer. I've loved every minute at home with the kids, although my parenting skills have definitely been tested. Here are a few of my favorite things about summer:
1. the smell of sunscreen on baby soft skin
2. the sand that gets tracked all over my house from the kids' sandbox. this drives me crazy but still makes me smile.
3. sunbleached hair
4. pulling weeds and picking tomatoes in the garden with Garrett
5. pigtails and sundresses
6. chubby baby legs, although these are rapidly turning into skinny toddler legs
7. weekly trips to the zoo (see the above pics)
8. seeing the kids smile and hearing Avery's "choo choo" when we ride the train at the zoo
9. swimming in our blow up pool
10. lazy evenings in the backyard, sipping a cold beer
11. daily walks and regular trips to the nearby park
12. sitting outside with our neighbors by their firepit and chatting into the wee hours
13. water gun fights
14. playing fetch with Casey
15. the list could go on and on....

1 comment:

  1. You can smile at the sand because you know someone else is going to clean your house! Lucky lady! Glad you had a good summer!
