Friday, January 29, 2010

Spring Fever

I had to post some warm weather pictures with the sun shining. I have a BAD case of spring fever. I'm already ready for school to be out and summer to begin. Yikes. I still have a ways to go. Avery is definately on my side. She is practically afraid of snow. Garrett on the other hand now says that winter is his favorite season!

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Big Snow

I thought I should share pictures of our big snow in December. We actually got a little more after these pictures were taken, so the pile in the front yard got even bigger. We still have some large drifts hanging around but the ground is slowly starting to appear again! Garrett LOVES snow. He can easily spend 2-3 hours playing outside. As you can see, Casey is a fan as well.

Sunday, January 24, 2010

Belated Posts

My next 2 posts are a little belated - with our computer troubles this winter, I didn't download pictures for a LONG time. Enjoy the pics!

Garrett's Birthday!

Garrett had a wonderful birthday! He celebrated first with the Reimer family at Grandpa's house and then with the Stohs family after our visit to the pumpkin patch! Look at that big smile! He LOVES being 4 and tells everyone that he meets that he is 4! Now he's already talking about being 5 and keeps wondering if he is 4 1/2 yet! They grow up so much faster than we want them to!

Halloween Fun

We had a fun Halloween, trick-or-treating around our neighborhood, Boo at the Zoo, and the local assisted living facility. We still have Halloween candy to eat (I think I might just toss it!). We also had a great time at the pumpkin patch with Grandma and Grandpa Stohs and Uncle Johnathan, but it was cold!! Lynette's house (our daycare) also had a little Halloween celebration as you can see. Garrett's best buddies are Jacob (the other Superman) and Selora (the tallest girl). It's no surprise that Avery's best buddy is also Jacob!

Monday, January 11, 2010

Viva Las Vegas

We're off to Vegas next month! Greg and I acted very spontaneous on Friday night and booked a Vegas vacation with some friends. A little wine and a lot of laughter was involved. And we're staying here...

Caesar's Palace. The movie "The Hangover" might have inspired us a little. If you haven't seen it, you should! We can't wait!

Saturday, January 2, 2010

Little Miss Fashion

This little girl is quite the fashionista. She loves shoes, hair barrettes, and "ip tuff" (aka lip stuff). Every day she takes Garrett's chap stick off of his bathroom counter and walks around applying it over and over. Luckily she is very responsible with her things, and she returns her "ip tuff" to the bathroom counter when she is done!

Friday, January 1, 2010

Happy New Year!

Happy New Year! We popped open the champagne last night and toasted to fewer sibling fights and less time outs in the new year. Wish us luck with that! What did you raise your glass to?