Monday, January 30, 2012

School Stuff

I am amazed at what kindergarteners learn these days!  It is so much more than what I learned in kindergarten.  Garrett is bringing home math worksheets with addition and subtraction problems (with pics of course).  They are learning "number partners."  For example, the number partners for 8 could be 3 and 5 or 4 and 4 or 7 and 1.

He is also reading us books in his home reading bag which comes home at least weekly, sometimes more.  Last night's stories were something like:  The snowman wears mittens.  The puppy wears mittens.  The baby wears mittens.  And so on...  Pretty cool to have Garrett read to me instead of me reading to him!!

We received his 2nd quarter report card and have made a lot of gains this quarter!  We are so proud of him and he was very proud of himself too!

Here's a funny story:  We receive newsletters explaining what they will be learning each time they start a new theme.  We got one right before Christmas and I was reading it aloud.  In the reading curriculum, they learn words in families such as the -at family (cat, bat, sat, etc) and it said they would be learning the -it family.  Garrett chimes in, "Like shit, Mom?"  I said, "Yeah," trying not to smile or laugh.  I'm not sure if he realized this is a 'bad' word?  I couldn't tell.  I read a few more sentences until I could not hold it in any longer and started laughing!

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