Happy 3rd Birthday! We can't believe that our baby is turning 3! You've grown up so fast. Sometimes you seem so mature for your age that it feels like you are 2 going on 8. We are so proud of the big girl you've become. You are such a kind sweet like girl with a big caring heart. When you saw your birthday presents the other day, you said, "These are for me and Garrett?!" You would share anything if you were asked to. You LOVE your big brother and mom and dad. Tonight, as I tucked you into bed, you said, "I'm your best friend, Mommy. And I'm Casey's best friend, and Garrett's best friend, and Daddy's best friend. You have a soft spot for animals, much like your mommy and Grandma Reimer. When Daddy didn't let Casey come inside one day, you burst into tears. Three of your favorite stuffed animals/blankets are puppy dogs. As you turn 3, your favorite things are playing with Garrett, snuggling with Casey, your 2 blankies and stuffed puppies, anything that is green, riding your bike, listening to books and "reading" them yourself!, matchbox cars, trains, stuffed animals, Scooby Doo, and watching movies like big brother! Happy Birthday sweetheart! We thank God for you everyday and are so lucky that God has chosen us to be your family.
Love, Mommy, Daddy, & Garrett (& Casey too!)
Happy Belated Birthday Avery. I love you and miss you.