Tuesday, April 27, 2010

I Four

You'll hear Avery say that she is "4" in this video. She is now telling us that she is "4 half" just like her brother! We can't convince her that she is 2. She starts to get upset and say, "No, I 4 half!"


We had a fun Easter with the kids. We hunted Easter eggs in our backyard on Saturday and visited Greg's family on Sunday. The jelly beans were a hit!

Other Fun Stuff

Avery's been busy "chatting" on my phone lately. She actually called Grandpa Reimer 3 weeks ago and had a full conversation before I even realized it! Grandpa thought I helped her make the call. When we were home to meet Baby Tanner, we got to hang with the family for a short while. Casey enjoyed spending time with his dog cousin, Boscoe, and we got to hang out with Cousin Finn, Annie, Mike, and Grandpa!

Cousin Tanner

It's hard to believe that little cousin Tanner is already 1 month old! He was just 1 week old in this picture. We sure do miss him!

More Birthday Fun

Avery also got to celebrate with the Reimer family. Cousin Josh helped her blow out candles since he just turned 2 also! Avery got some darling sunglasses from Aunt Annie, Uncle Mike, & Finn, and unfortunately we lost them the same day!

Avery's 2nd Birthday!

Avery had a wonderful 2nd birthday! She frowned a little bit when her candles were lit! Garrett helped her blow them out - she couldn't quite figure that out!


We returned from Vegas long ago, but I'm finally posting the pictures. You'll see our friends that we traveled with, Jon & Audrey, the new bridge they are building to bypass traffic from the top of Hoover Dam (don't recommend the bus tour by the way!), the view from the top of the Stratosphere, and our view from our hotel room, Caesar's Palace - it was very similar to the Hangover! I didn't post the picture of Greg drinking 4 margaritas at one time. Maybe I'll save that for facebook.

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Summer Fever

We LOVE summer at our house. I have exactly 34 days of school left. Is it bad that I've been counting for awhile now? I can't stop thinking about summer. I always have high hopes and big dreams for what our summer will be like. As I sit and daydream about it, I thought I would make a little list of the things we like to do:
1) Go for walks with Casey
2) Ride bikes
3) Swing in the backyard
4) Pull weeds in the garden (sometimes I have a little too much help from my little friends - last year the corn got trampled)
5) Visit the park near our house
6) Play at the school playground (Casey is also a big fan - he LOVES kids!)
7) Eat outside on the back deck (we've already been doing this every chance we get)
8) Roast marshmallows in the firepit (can't wait for our first fire this spring :)
9) Go fishing at the pond near our house
10) Weekly trips to the zoo
11) Visit the library
12) Go to Grandpa Reimer's house for wheat harvest
13) Socialize with the neighbors and their kids every evening
14) Coco Keys water resort!
15) Go to the Farmer's Market to eat homemade cinnamon rolls
16) Stay up way too late!

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Cold Turkey

Avery's potty training was rapidly heading downhill last weekend. She was refusing to sit on the potty. We told her that only babies wear diapers, and she would have to wear one. Her response was, "Okay, Mommy!" and she ran to her room to grab one. I talked to Lynette (our beloved daycare lady) about this on Monday and she suggested that we go "cold turkey" - no more diapers except at nighttime. I explained to Avery that we wouldn't be wearing any more diapers. On Monday evening when she had an accident, we walked into the house to change and she said, "no diapers, no diapers." She knows that we mean business! Avery has been wearing her padded cotton training underwear and we keep extra pants on hand. We also got a waterproof pad for her carseat. She is only having 1-2 accidents a day. Last night at Kohl's she said she needed to go potty. We ran (literally) to the bathroom and she went! I'm so proud of our big girl!

Friday, April 2, 2010

I Four

We had a blast visiting Grandpa Reimer last week. Avery and Garrett really enjoyed seeing their aunts, uncles, and cousins. Since we celebrated Avery's birthday with the Reimer family while we were there, everyone kept asking Avery how old she was. She always held up one finger and replied, "I four." That's interesting, her brother is four. Hmmm....

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Day Two

Let's just say that I had to take Ibuprofen to sleep last night. My body HURTS! I did 50 minutes of plyometrics last night (high intensity jumping exercises). I think I've been run over by a train. Greg took last night off - he might have strep throat and sleep sounded like a better idea to him. We did buy a "recovery drink" and protein powder as recommended by the video - to help our poor muscles recover. Maybe it will start working some magic. Tonight is shoulders and arms - as if they don't hurt enough already...