Friday, May 18, 2012


I now remember why we had to buy every imaginable child proofing item when Garrett was a baby.  Then I think back at how most of those items seemed completely unnecessary when Avery was a baby.  I mean, do you really need a toilet lid lock?  We are being reminded that yes, you do, when you are raising boys.

At 10 months old, Emmett clears my nightstand of every item each morning, usually in one quick swipe.  He knocks all of the shampoo bottles in the bathtub each time he passes by the bathroom.  He sticks his hands in the toilet, eats paper and rocks like crazy, and would rather knock all of the books off his nightstand than snuggle at bedtime.  He also shuts his fingers in drawers and the lazy susan almost daily.  He has a very specific cry when his fingers are stuck so I know what has happened before I even see him.  He almost fell down the first flight of stairs off our deck 3 days ago, but thanks to Garrett for yelling at me, I grabbed him just as his hands slipped off the first step.  Whew!

Sometimes I think I may never fully understand the male brain.

Here are a few more of Emmett's accomplishments lately:
-signing "more"
-waving (he waves toward himself!)
-lots of new dance moves!
-holding his own bottle at daycare
-eating table food, although he has doesn't have a single tooth!

This first year is going way too fast!